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Our Mission is to embrace God’s Loving Mercy, embracing our diversity with compassion as we serve the needs of others.

El respeto a la vida es fundamento de cualquier otro derecho, incluidos los de la libertad

About Us


Archbishop of Miami Edward McCarthy assigned Father Pedro Luis Perez as pastor of the future San Lázaro Catholic Church in 1982. Father Perez temporarily lived at his sister house for three months until parishioners were able to purchase a rectory. Mass was celebrated at Vivian Villas before moving to the Apollo Theater; four hundred people gathered for the first liturgy there. Before the parish hall was completed in 1984, a warehouse served as a parish hall for two years. At this time, parishioners formed the Legion of Mary, established a youth group and initiated religious education classes. The church was dedicated in 1986, and ever since, three daily Masses, a Saturday Vigil and five Sunday Masses have been celebrated.

An annual festival supports outreach efforts, including Cursillo, Catholic Nights, Knights of Columbus, and Saint Vincent de Paul, which distributes non-perishable foods monthly to the needy. Prayer and youth groups, Emmaus retreats and Apostolate of Prayer foster spiritual and social growth. Eucharistic Ministers serve residents at Villian Villas, Epworth, and Waterfall; volunteers visit the sick at Palm Springs Hospital.

A vigorous spiritual life is manifested in some new ways initiated recently, such as the Caballeros Católicos, a charismatic prayer group, choir ministry, Neocatecumenos, and a pro-life group. Some 300 children participate in CCD.



Fr. Salvador Diaz

Lead Pastor


Fr Jaime Iglesias

In Residence

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